Dear Orthodontist
”The Secret on How To Accelerate Orthodontic Tooth Movement in Adult and Growing Patient”
*14/7/’18*@Sahid Jaya Yogyakarta Hotel and Convention
By PPDGS ortodonsia FKG UGM, Alumni, & IKORTI DIY JATENG
08.00-14.30 WIB Seminar
14.30 WIB Hands On
1. *Dr Vinod Krishnan*, MDS. M. Orth RCS., FDS RCS., PhD: Accelerated Orthodontics and Translating Orthodontic Research Clinically& *Live Demo*
dr V. Krishnan adalah author buku Biological Mechanism of Tooth Movement penerbit Wiley
2. *Dr. drg. Eka Erwansyah*, M. Kes., Sp Ort: Advanced Myofunctional Orthodontics and Clinical Applications & *HO(max 25org: Rp.850K)*
3. *drg. Wayan Ardhana*, MS. Sp. Ort (K): Tips on Orthodontics Tooth Movement & *HO (max20org; Rp700 K)*
4. *dr. Tedjo Rukmoyo*, Sp. OT. Spine (K): Ergonomic Position on Dental Practice
5. *Drg Inge Santoso*, Sp.Ort *HO(max.20 org;750K)* Techniques for Accelerating and Simplifiying Orthodontic Work using Damon Self Ligating braces
*REGRISTASI seminar*
Residen/ Orthist : Rp. 650K/Rp1000K after 30/6/’18: Rp850K/ Rp1250K. Psrt HO adl psrt seminar
CP: drg. Stefani 0811259586:drg Rahma 085733164006