Kamis 30 November mendapat kunjungan Studi Bandind dari PS Ortodonsia FKG UNIV. AIRLANGGA.
Hadir 8 orang staf dan 32 residen
Sambutan oleh wakil dekan I, drg Tetiana, PhD
Kerjasama Thursday, 30 November 2017
Kamis 30 November mendapat kunjungan Studi Bandind dari PS Ortodonsia FKG UNIV. AIRLANGGA.
Hadir 8 orang staf dan 32 residen
Sambutan oleh wakil dekan I, drg Tetiana, PhD
Berita Friday, 24 November 2017
Orthodontic full team: HANDAL, TEPAT WAKTU, DIAKUI DUNIA!!!
Berita Friday, 24 November 2017
Publikasi Wednesday, 15 November 2017
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Relapse is considered a significant failure after orthodontic treatment. In response to relapse, RANKL expressions will increase, while OPG expressions will decrease. CHA is thought to be one of an ideal candidate for enhancing bone formation. Moreover, a-PRF is a source high levels of growth factors that play a central role in the bone remodeling. This research was intended to investigate the effect of hydrogel CHA-aPRF in preventing relapse. Hydrogel-CHA was initially designed, with its degradation profile and FTIR (Fourie’s Transform Infrared) spectra were investigated as the basis to find out optimum formulation before incorporated with aPRF. Hydrogel-CHA microspheres were prepared in 3 different compositions: those were encoded 30-CHA, 40-CHA, and 50-CHA. After the hydrogel formulation and characterization were completed, 10 mL blood samples were collected, then centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 14 min. At the end of the centrifugation process, the aPRF clot was isolated and then pressed to obtain their releasate. The releasate aPRF was then loaded into the best formulation candidate of hydrogel CHA. The hydrogel incorporated aPRF was then gently injected on the mesial side of incisor gingival sulcus of the rabbit after orthodontic tooth movement. The FTIR analysis showed that carbonated apatite was successfully developed during the fabrication process of hydrogel-CHA microspheres. It was also known that degradation profile of 30-CHA was considered ideal compared to the other compositions. The application of CHA-aPRF (group C) was proven to significantly prevent relapse, indicated by lowest percentage of relapse 21 days after debonding (29.95±3.91%) compared to control group. Furthermore, it has been found that expressions of RANKL were significantly lowest (p<0.05) in group C on day 0, 3, and 7, while OPG expressions showed significantly highest (p<0.05) in group C on day 14 and 21 after debonding. These results indicate that incorporation of hydrogel-CHA has potential effect to enhance alveolar bone remodeling and prevent orthodontic relapse by stimulates OPG expression and suppresses RANKL expression. read more
Berita Saturday, 11 November 2017
“Orthodontics for Dental Trauma” dalam acara seminar Clinical Management of Dental Trauma Sabtu 11-11-2017 di gedung Margono Suradji FKG UGM
Publikasi Wednesday, 8 November 2017
@ 39th Asia Pacific Dental Congres Macau 22 -25 may 2017
Prof DR drg Pinandi Sri Pudyani, SU, Sp. Ort(K),
drg Ananto AH, MDSc
drg Dyah Karunia, Sp. Ort(K),
Drg Darmawan S, SU, Sp. Ort(K) @IAO Bandung 2016
PENELITIAN Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Tgl 6-7 November2017, telah presentasi hasil riset:
Prof DR drg Pinandi Sri Pudyani, Sp. Ort(K)
Drg JCP Heryumani, MS, Sp. Ort(K)
DR drg Sri Suparwitri, SU, Dp. ORT(K)
Drg Cendrawasih AF MKes, Sp. Ort(K)
Drg Yanuarti
Publikasi Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Locally inhibition of orthodontic relapse by injection of carbonate apatite-advanced platelet rich fibrin in a rabbit model
Ananto Ali Alhasyimi1, 2, Pinandi Sri Pudyani2, Widya Asmara3, Ika Dewi Ana4
1Graduate School of Dental Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia (email: anantoali@ugm.ac.id )
2Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
3Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
4Department of Dental Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia read more
Berita Monday, 6 November 2017
Pada tgl 30 oktober dan 6 november 2017, dilakukan kerjabakti oleh seluruh rediden. Untuk selanjutnya akan dibuat jadwal CLEANING DAY satu bulan sekali, dan jadwal jaga klinik dan medical record… Semangat!!!
Scientific Presentations Saturday, 4 November 2017